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DIFK representatives attended the 9th FSI – IADI Conference on crisis management, bank resolution and deposit insurance

Press Release

DIFK representatives, the Managing Director Mrs. Arijeta Neziraj Elshani, Mrs. Shqipe Devaja Senior Legal and Administrative Officer and Mr. Vllaznim Bytyqi Senior Finance Officer attended the 9th FSI – IADI Conference on crisis management, bank resolution and deposit insurance: What’s Next and How to Prepare, held in Basel, Switzerland, 4–5 September 2019. DIFK was also represented by Mrs. Shqipe Devaja on the IADI 59th Executive Council Meeting.

During the two-day conference number of topics were discussed related to crisis management, bank resolution and deposit insurance, with a forward-looking emphasis on crisis preparedness. The key note speakers and presenters shared latest developments, practices and experience on topics such as:  Resolvability of systemic banks, and non-bank financial institutions; challenges for resolution of smaller banks and banking markets; emerging risks and responses to changing risk landscapes; strategies for liquidity funding in resolution; and designing of crisis simulation exercises to test crisis management arrangements.

The conference was attended by officials of resolution authorities, deposit insurance officials, bank supervisors and central bankers, who are involved in designing or implementing resolution regimes; operational resolution planning; or developing crisis management arrangements within their jurisdiction. Considering that Kosovo is reviewing a crises management framework, resolution framework (and not only), it was a proper occasion for DIFK representatives that among other things, learn as well from different experiences and different perspectives.